Our Youth/Tween Size Range

Did you know that Twig + Tale patterns include sizes that are specifically designed for tweens/youth?  These sizes are intended to help bridge the gap between child and adult patterns, so that you can continue to dress your not-so-little ones in T+T garments that are handmade with love.  Read on for more information.

As the years pass, our toddlers in tiny Wayfarer shoes and animal vests eventually grow into "big kids".  If you have been sewing T+T patterns for years, you may now have tweens or teenagers!

We understand that there is a gap - they no longer fit the children's sizes, but they aren't quite ready for adult sizes.  There's an emotional transition too - it's hard to believe how big they are and how quickly time is passing!  We want garments that have the right proportions to fit growing tween bodies, and that are still appropriate for movement and play.

We thought long and hard about how best to package the tween sizing, and how our patterns will provide the best value.  Although many companies offer a standalone tween block, we decided to add the youth/tween sizing, at no extra cost, to our adult size ranges.

Now, when you purchase an adult pattern, you will receive three extra youth sizes.  As we continue to update patterns to the new size range, you will automatically receive the extra sizes directly in your account.  It's our hope that the patterns will continue to grow with your children through the teen years and into adulthood.  


A Closer Look at the Youth /Tween Sizes

Below is the Men's/Straight Fit size chart.  Sizes 30-34 are the youth sizes, which pick up right where the the children's sizing leaves off.  Notice that the height measurement changes proportionally for each youth size to accommodate growth.  (The chart below is cropped - the entire men's/straight fit chart runs to size 66).  

Looking at the Women's/Curved Fit block below, you'll see that size A and B are equivalent to sizes 12 and 14 years.  While our A-L block is drafted for a Dressmaker's B cup, size A is specifically drafted for an A cup.  Note also that sizes A and B are designed for different heights than the rest of the size block.  (The entire women's/curved fit chart runs to size 38).  

If your tween's measurements fall under multiple sizes in the chart, all Twig + Tale patterns include instructions for blending sizes for a custom fit.  

We hope that this information helps you better understand how our youth/tween sizing system works, and why we made the decision to include it in our adult size block.  Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.  


~ Cover image by Kara Mooney ~