Our Story

Twig & Tale is a place where imagination runs wild. Our sewing patterns embrace simple, step-by-step construction and the timeless charm of natural materials.
From my treehouse studio hidden within the New Zealand forest, I design clothing and playful patterns that capture the essence of childhood storybooks. To me, sewing is a magical journey, full of adventure and the wonderful tales that each material holds. I believe in reusing fabrics when possible and bringing new life to old things, in spending time (sometimes together, sometimes alone) to let the spirit run free.
To me, sewing is not just about creating things, but creating memories. In 2008, a devastating injury to my right hand left me unable to perform everyday tasks and hand therapy became my life. Recovery was slow and painstaking, and the day I was finally able to thread a needle felt like a miracle. Though it took me weeks to finish projects that others might whip up in a nap time, the joy of creating something beautiful from such a painful experience empowered me to keep hoping, working, and creating. In 2011 I began selling the little things I so carefully and lovingly crafted during "hand therapy." Year by year, stitch by stitch, my shop and studio (previously known as Big Little) continue to be a reminder of all things possible.
Twig & Tale is for everyone who shares a love of creativity and an adventurous spirit—beginner sewers especially! It's a celebration of the innocence of childhood and the wonder of nature. It's about comfy clothes and warm things like hugs and capes and coats. It's about handmade, love, and imaginary play—featuring classic, simple patterns that inspire us all to tell a story.